short biography
My extensive research has provided a foundation for the work of other researchers in the interdisciplinary materials research fields, including materials sciences, condensed matter physics, geophysics, and astrophysics. My innovative researches are many folds, including theory for ferroelectric phase transition, phonon theory, Mott-Hubbard systems and ferroelectrics, magnetism, and thermodynamics, actinide metal.
Doctor of Philosophy in Quantum Chemistry and Materials Science
Bachelor of Science in Physics
Academic Interests
First-principles quasiharmonic phonon approach to the free energy of materials
Mixed space approach to phonons of polar materials
Partition function to the free energy for system with multi-microstates
Itinerant electron magnetism
The temperature dependence of elasticity
Effects of spin structures on phonons
Approach to system with phonon instability
Phase-filed simulation of the temperature evolution of elastoplastic behaviors of materials
Non-Academic Interests